
you are amazing

yes you are, darling.

no matter how bad you're feeling about yourself right now, you are gorgeous.

yes, you've made mistakes. just like everybody else around you.

look at the calendar and just take a moment to realize how much time had passed since the Chelyabinsk airburst. that was in february 2013. and even if (just like me) you don't remember it, you've still come a long way. an outstandingly long one.

remember all the good things you did for others. you made someone's life better, be it your parents, relatives, friends or strangers online and offline. even if just a bit. similarly, someone surely made your life better too, even if you didn't notice. heck, the website you're reading this very post on is open for free with its source code (thanks Herman)!

it might feel like the world is falling apart, but look. that happens all the time and it certainly isn't something to blame yourself for. it absolutely will get better.

if you still feel like total shit, I get it. I went countless times through this already and the only thing that really helped me is talking. and if you really, really have nobody to contact and are scared of chat rooms, just grab a pen and paper and start writing down your thoughts. or, you know, a mouse and keyboard.

I believe in you. even if you don't.

you are amazing and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. 💫