
oh the summer

welcome again to the blog I forget a lot about :)

it's finally September, the month I was dreading. why? well, because the school summer break in Siberia ends in the beginning of September, lasting for the whole calendar summer (90+ days). not bad, huh? especially compared to some other places in the world.

normally I wouldn't have a lot to tell about my summer. "yes, I sat in my room for 3 months (except for the family vacation), rarely coming into contact with the sun at all, doing open-source on my computer". but this summer is different!

first-of-all, I had 2 family vacations ;D

and second, there was somebody who made this summer very special for me.

I won't intrigue you too much. it was my boyfriend, whom I got a chance to meet up with this July. unfortunately, we live in different cities ~7 hours apart, but I visited his, and it was wonderful. after 3 years of friendship and 5 months of dating, seeing him face-to-face and being able to hold hands together... just felt like a dream.

and let me tell you something: having someone to love you does wonders to a person. and in our case, that was mutual. I didn't even think I could be loved for who I am before then, but here we are.
