
the draft jail

I go to the staircase. it leads to the basement door.

I'm going down the stairs. the deeper into the dark I go, the louder my procrastination demon becomes. it is trying to trick me. it is trying to fill my head with irrelevant thoughts and ideas, just to feel strong for a little bit longer.

no, I don't need to go to the bathroom. and no, I'm not hungry.

I'm ready.

as I approach the basement door, I slowly search for the keys in my pockets. here they are.

I can hear the demon dying. it loses power.

I insert the key. the door slowly opens, creaking.

this is not the first time I'm visiting this place, no; I was the one who populated it.

I walk in and look around. the drafts are patiently waiting for me to look around and leave, just like I always do. but not this time.

I'm looking for the right key in my bunch...

yes. there it is.

I slowly approach the cage with the draft I'm so determined to free today.

all the other drafts are looking at me with confusion.

I insert the key and open the door.

I grab the draft.

I leave the basement and close its doors.

I'm going up the stairs. the demon is dead at this point. there is only me, my typewriter and my draft left.

it is time to work.